Thursday, September 10, 2009

Use A Solar Food Dehydrator

Preserve the natural goodness of fresh foods by using a solar dehydrator. There are commercial dehydrators on the market, or you can make your own solar version. The main ingredient in any solar dehydrator setup is sunshine. If you have 2 days of sunshine in a row where you live, you can use this technique to preserve food.


1. Decide on the location for your dehydrator. Sunny southern exposure throughout the entire day is essential. It is possible to dry spring crops as well as summer and fall produce as long as you have sunshine.

2. Set up your dehydrator following manufacturer's directions. Or, construct your own from two boxes. Tape them together, and cover them with clear plastic.

3. Choose the foods you are going to dry in your solar dehydrator. Wash the food, pat it dry and slice it thinly. You can steam blanch any low-acid foods. This works especially well with vegetables.

4. Place the food on food-safe, non-stick drying trays. Set them in the dehydrator.

5. Let the solar rays dry the food. Check the food frequently to make sure the air flows properly through the vents. If your solar collector tray isn't in direct sunlight all day, you may need to move it so that it is. This may take 2 or more days.

6. Protect your food from insects and other pests. The smell attracts them.

7. Store the dried food in plastic bags or jars. Rehydrate it with water, and serve it as you normally would.

Tags: solar dehydrator, your solar, your dehydrator