Monday, December 31, 2012

Infuse Vodka With Cherry

Nothing plays up basic, boring vodka like a fruity element. By infusing your vodka with cherries, you will take your liquor from a basic mixer to something that can be enjoyed on its own or in a simple mixed drink.


1. Purchase your vodka. This recipe calls for a 750-ml bottle of vodka, so if you use a larger bottle, be sure to add more cherries during the infusion process.

2. Choose 4 pints of cherries. The best cherry-infused vodka is made with real, in-season cherries. In the United States, cherries are typically picked from May until August, with the peak season in June. If you are unable to buy your cherries from a farm, you can buy them in the grocery store at the same time for similarly delicious results.

3. Find a resealable glass container in which to infuse your vodka. A wide-mouthed container, such as a jar for canning fruit, will work well. Whichever container you choose, make sure you have enough room to stir the mixture thoroughly.

4. Prepare your mixture. First, remove the stems and pits from the cherries. Pour the bottle of vodka and cherries into the container and mix. Allow the mixture to sit in a warm, dry place for several days. Stir the mixture three times a day.

5. Test your vodka after 2 days in the jar to get a feel for how much longer it needs to completely infuse. The best way to test the vodka is straight, without any mixers.

6. Pour the mixture through a coffee strainer to remove the cherries and serve your vodka. If you want to serve your cherry vodka in a mixed drink, visit Drinks Mixer for a few recipe ideas (see Resources below). If the cherries you used to infuse the vodka with still taste good, use them as drink garnishes.

Tags: your vodka, bottle vodka, mixed drink, serve your, vodka with