Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cook Frankfurters


Frankfurters are also known as hot dogs or weiners. Frankfurters are long and thin pieces of meat with an outer casing that is stuffed with pork, beef or a combination of the two. Frankfurters have a German origin and have been popular in the United States for centuries. There are many ways to cook frankfurters, including grilling, boiling, baking and steaming. Learn some of the different ways to cook frankfurters and try them all.


1. Grill frankfurters on a gas or charcoal grill over medium heat. Place the frankfurters far enough away from direct heat so that they are not scorched on the outside by the flames. Watch the cooking frankfurters carefully and turn them so that they cook evenly on all sides. Be careful not to pierce the casings because the juices will escape, resulting in a tough and dry frankfurters. Remove the frankfurters from the heat when they have been evenly cooked on all sides.

2. Boil frankfurters in water, beef broth or beer. Boiling the frankfurters in liquids other than water will add flavor to the meat. Place the frankfurters in a large pot and cover them with liquid. Place the pot onto a burner set to medium-high and simmer for approximately 5 minutes to heat through. Remove from the heat and keep warm in the liquid until serving.

3. Bake frankfurters in the oven. Place the frankfurters in an oven-safe casserole dish. The frankfurters can be covered with a variety of different toppings prior to baking, including baked beans, chili, cheese or barbecue sauce. Cover the casserole dish and bake the frankfurters for approximately 15 minutes at 375 degrees F until the frankfurters are heated through and the toppings are bubbly. Remove from the oven.

4. Steam frankfurters in a steamer on the stove top. Fill the bottom of the steamer with water or beef broth. Place the rack onto the steamer and place the frankfurters onto the rack. Cover the frankfurters and place on the burner. Set the burner to a medium temperature that will keep the liquid simmering, yet will not cover the frankfurters with liquid as they are steaming. Steam the frankfurters for approximately 5 minutes and then remove from the heat.

Tags: approximately minutes, from heat, beef broth, casserole dish, cook frankfurters, frankfurters approximately, frankfurters approximately minutes