Thursday, April 28, 2011

Make Crayon Pretzels

Make Crayon Pretzels

For once, your kids can have crayons that are not only safe to eat, but downright delicious. The colorful crayons are made out of salty pretzel rods that are dipped in sweet white chocolate, then dyed, resulting in a combination of flavors and colors that kids of any age will be unable to resist. Crayon pretzels make great back-to-school surprises, impromptu birthday gifts or stocking stuffers, and they are perfect baby shower favors.


1. Score each pretzel rod around the center with a sharp knife. Carefully snap the rod into two equal pieces.

2. Put 1 cup of white chocolate chips and 1 tsp. of vegetable oil in a microwafe-safe bowl. Don't use olive oil or butter, because the chocolate won't melt properly. Heat the mixture in the microwave for 1 minute and stir. If necessary, continue to heat the mixture for 15 seconds at a time, then mixing between heatings, until smooth.

3. Divide the mixture evenly into small cups, one cup per desired color. Color each small batch with a few drops of food coloring.

4. Dip each end of the pretzel rods into the melted chocolate mixture, and lay them on a piece of waxed paper to set up.

5. Cut the inexpensive card stock or construction paper in rectangles that will fit around the center of the crayon pretzels. Decorate the paper, if desired, then wrap each crayon pretzel and secure it with a small piece of clear tape.

6. Put the crayon pretzels in plastic or cardboard container of your choice. If they are gifts, put a few in plastic bags and tie the tops with colorful ribbon.

Tags: around center, each pretzel, Make Crayon, Make Crayon Pretzels, pretzel rods, white chocolate