Thursday, November 19, 2009

Use Red Wines For Health

It is healthy, beautiful and tastes a bit nice as well!

Red wine is well known to have a positive affect on the human body in preventing high blood pressure and now in its slowing down of the aging process. Here are some tips on how we can use the wine to our benefit.


1. Consider the fact that the dark red wine is medically proven to prevent aging. In doing that, drink one glass a day. For men, a little more than one glass may be consumed, as they metabolize alcohol in a somewhat different way.

2. Drink red wine in moderation. Be certain to not over-drink the wine, as becoming intoxicated or regularly overindulging may lead to high blood pressure, heart illness, cancers and not to mention, alcoholism.

3. The next step will be to drink the red wines room temperature. Cooking with the wine, or adding it to any baked item, removes the valuable chemicals known to benefit our health.

4. Use red wine in order to benefit the human gums. This is said to be done by the antioxidant components and the anti-inflammatory effects that could actually be warding off these periodontal problems. Dr. Fatiah Chandad of Universite Laval states, "Our findings demonstrate that red wine polyphenols have potent antioxidant properties." It must be known, however, that this is not simply "gargling" or holding the wine in one's mouth that would allow the benefit of the gum region; the wine would still require consumption according to the Step 1 suggestion.

5. Make a list of what our genetic predispositions may just be with regard perhaps to the health issues discussed above. If a parent has blood pressure or heart troubles, you may consider taking this on.

Tags: blood pressure, blood pressure heart, high blood, high blood pressure, pressure heart