Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Store Oatmeal

A glass jar provides a suitable oatmeal storage container.

Dry oatmeal provides the basis for a hot breakfast and also makes an interesting addition to cookies, desserts and breads. Buying oatmeal in bulk ensures you always have it on hand, but proper storage is vital so it remains safe to eat. Since oatmeal is a dry grain, it stores well long-term when packaged correctly. Both instant and regular oatmeal have similar storage requirements. Always use stored food by the use-by date stamped on the original package to ensure best quality.


1. Leave unopened packages in their original container. Do not open the package until right before you use it.

2. Repackage open oatmeal packages in an airtight container, such as a large jar or plastic storage bag. Seal the lid on tightly prior to storage. A sealed container protects the oatmeal from moisture, dust and insects.

3. Store the oatmeal in a dry, cool pantry. The temperature should be between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid storage locations near heat vents, stoves and other areas prone to warm drafts.

4. Use the stored oatmeal within six months. Unopened packages may store well for up to 12 months, so refer to the package date as a guideline.
