Thursday, March 29, 2012

Harvest Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are popular in many cultures across the world. They are used in recipes or eaten by themselves as snacks or as a side dish to meals. Macadamia nuts are small, round and white nuts. They contain an outer husk and a shell around the nut inside. Tree shakers are not recommended for harvesting because this can make nuts fall of the tree that are not ripe. A long pole can be used to tap branches with mature nuts on them.


1. Go out to the macadamia tree to pick up fallen mature nuts.

2. Use the long pole to tap branches that are out of reach.

3. Place all gathered nuts into a bucket until it is full or you run out of nuts to gather.

4. Dehusk the nuts by using a hammer or heavy object to smash the husk. Be careful not to smash the shell or nut contained therein.

5. Spread the tarp out underneath the shed or an open place protected from the elements, including sunlight.

6. Spread the nuts out on the tarp to dry for 2 to 3 weeks.

7. Finish drying any wet nuts by placing them in a shallow pan and placing it in the oven preheated to 100 to 115 degrees F for 12 hours, stirring every hour or so. Watch them closely so they do not cook.

8. Use the nutcracker to crack the outer shell.

9. Place all macadamia nuts into a plastic container and seal it shut. Store the nuts in a cool and dry environment.

Tags: long pole, Macadamia nuts, mature nuts, nuts into