Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Use A Whip Style Herbal Vaporizer

A whip vaporizer, an alternative smoking device, leaves a much smaller toxin, tar and carcinogen footprint on the body than traditional smoking methods due to the way it extracts desired substances form the herbs. Instead of applying flame to the herbs directly, as in smoking, the heating element applies indirect heat to it. The fireless heat brings the active ingredients out of the herbs, creating an inhalable vapor instead of smoke. This diminishes the inhalation of ancillary substances that are the byproducts of setting something aflame.


1. Break down the herbs with the grinder or scissors into very small chunks. Be careful not to over-grind. An herb mixture that is too fine may burn too quickly and can also escape into the whip tube through the screen.

2. Plug in the vaporizer and either flip the on/off switch or turn the knob to the on position, whichever one your vaporizer has. Most vaporizers have the knob to control temperature regardless of having an on/off switch. Turn the knob all the way up and heat for three to 10 minutes, or until the heating iron is sufficiently lit up. Different vaporizers may require longer or shorter amounts of time to heat up.

3. Insert the herbs into the glass end of the whip with the screen, so that they lie on it. A convenient way to do this is to use suction by inhaling or pulling on the mouthpiece of the whip. Pack only a small amount (about one-third of the "bowl") of the herb into the whip.

4. Turn down the temperature to cool off the iron a bit. Place the end of the whip with the herbs onto the heating iron. The heating iron usually projects at a 45 degree angle, so to prevent the herbs from falling out of the bowl, inhale with the mouthpiece while you are inserting the iron into the glass piece.

5. Take a slow but steady pull. If you inhale a vapor or mist, then you are vaporizing correctly. It might not be obvious at first because it's not as dense as smoke. After several inhalations, the vapor will disappear and the herbs will turn a brownish color, which indicates that most of the potent ingredients have been vaporized.

Tags: heating iron, into glass, into whip, whip with