Thursday, January 27, 2011

Proper Wine Pairings

Proper wine pairings enchance both wine and food.

Although taste is relative, when it comes to food and wine pairings, there are certain guidelines that can be followed based on wine characteristics and how such characteristics complement different foods.

Red Wine

Red wine contains tannins, which do not pair well with fish, seafood or cream dishes. Fish dishes, in particular, give red wine a metallic taste. Red wine pairs best with red meats such as beef and lamb. According to Wine Web Central's food and wine pairing guide, cabernet sauvignon and merlot pair well with grilled steak, lamb and veal. In addition, cabernet and merlot pair well with tomato sauce pasta dishes.

White Wine

The natural acidity of white wines such as sauvignon blanc makes for good pairings with seafood. Chardonnay also pairs well with poultry, pork and cream dishes.


Champagne, the most versatile of all wines, pairs well with almost any dish. The "New York Times" describes the sparkling wine as flexible enough to be served with spicy and fried foods.


Port, a sweet wine fortified with brandy, is essentially a dessert wine that pairs well with fruit and cheese. Janice Kleinschmidt of "Palm Springs Life" writes that port complements chocolates, nuts, dates, pies and tarts.

Tags: well with, pair well, pair well with, pairs well, pairs well with, cream dishes