Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Compare Packaged Rice Mixes To Homemade Rice Dishes


Making homemade dishes is almost always healthier than pre-packaged or restaurant purchased foods. Why? Because you can control what you put in it. Rice is one of those items. Find out compare packaged rice mixes to homemade rice dishes for a healthier you.


Compare Packaged Rice Mixes to Homemade Rice Dishes

1. Take a trip to your grocery store.

2. Find the aisle with the rice.

3. Pick up a box of pre-packaged rice mix (it does not matter which one) and a box or bag of plain white or brown rice.

4. Turn the boxes/packages around to the back or side and read the labels.

5. First, look for sodium on the pre-packaged label. It is a lot, especially for those on a low-sodium diet and/or those with high blood pressure. Also, consider how much sodium you would consume if you had more than one serving, which many of us do! Now, look at the plain rice label. It says zero or hardly any. See the big difference? No one needs as much salt as they put in pre-packaged mixes!

6. Now, look at the pre-packaged label again. Check for trans fat. If it says zero, it may still have it. How? If a product contains less than a half a gram of trans fat, companies are not obligated to put it on there. So how will you know? Easy! Check the list of ingredients. If it lists any of the following, trans fat are there: hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated. Trans fats are the worst kind of fat for your body, unlike unsaturated fats, which are the healthy kind.

7. Here is enjoy healthy rice. Buy the plain white or brown rice (brown is better) and add your own healthy ingredients, such as no salt peas, corn or tomato. Try making it with just seasoning and no salt (or add just a tad of salt at the end). Seasonings to try: cumin, tumeric, onion, garlic, saffron, etc.

Tags: brown rice, Compare Packaged Rice, Homemade Rice, Homemade Rice Dishes, Packaged Rice, plain white