Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Buy Decorative Vinegar Bottles

Buy Decorative Vinegar Bottles

Making your own herbal vinegar at home is quite easy, and putting it in a decorative bottle adds a special touch. These bottles of vinegar make nice gifts, and some people have even started home businesses by selling it. Decorative bottles come in everything from your basic bottles to ones that are more elaborate. Which one you choose to use will be up to your own personal preference.


Tips on Buying Decorative Vinegar Bottles

1. Consider what type of bottle you want to use to store your vinegar in. You can use empty vinegar bottles from home, bottles with a screw-on cap or bottles that seal with a cork. Also, consider how much vinegar you will be making so you know how many bottles to purchase.

2. Check in your local craft stores. They usually have a selection of bottles that you will be able to use to store your vinegar.

3. Check online at bottle manufacturing companies. They should offer a wealth of different styles of bottles to choose from. There might be a minimum quantity you will have to purchase, though.

4. Look at auction sites such as ebay to see if anyone is selling decorative bottles with tops. You should be able to run into a good deal at such sites.

5. Search local flea markets for stands that are selling bottles. You'll be able to barter with the owner and possibly reel in a good deal on the bottles.

6. Ask your friends who make vinegar where they purchase their bottles. They will probably be able to give you good leads on where to find them.

Tags: Decorative Vinegar, Decorative Vinegar Bottles, Vinegar Bottles, bottles that, bottles with, good deal