Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ricotta To Lasagna

Lasagna consists of layers upon layers of ingredients.

Within the layered dish called lasagna--of meats or veggies, sauce and other cheeses--lies the ricotta. Ricotta is a cheese--a soft, crumbly Italian one--that is used as a filling for the layers of lasagna. Yet it shouldn't go just anywhere. You need to nestle it into its appropriate spot within the noodle bed so that it can serve this artful dish well.


1. Prepare the ricotta mixture according to the recipe you are using for lasagna. For instance, you can add eggs, cheese and basil to the ricotta to add extra texture and flavor.

2. Pour tomato, cream or meat sauce into the bottom of the lasagna pan, if the recipe calls for it. Layer cooked lasagna noodles lengthwise across the bottom of the pan, overlapping them as needed.

3. Spoon the ricotta cheese mixture on top of the layer of noodles to cover them. Reserve part of the mixture to complete another layer if the recipe specifies to do so, or layer the entire ricotta mixture on top of the noodle bed if appropriate.

4. Add a layer of sauce and cheeses to the top of the ricotta before adding another layer of noodles.

5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 and top off the top layer of noodles with grated cheese, such as mozzarella.

Tags: layer noodles, another layer, ricotta mixture