Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eliminate Pantry Moths

Keeping the pantry moth free


1. Planning ahead to keep moths out of the pantry is the first step. Watch what you buy. If it is grain based, and your kitchen is warm and humid they will hatch out quickly. As a farmers daughter from the midwest we dealt with these on a regular basis. Don't panic they don't eat MUCH!!! Cereals that are milled like Malto-Meal, oatmeal, corn meal etc. my all have retained some of the eggs from the milling process. It is best to keep them in a cool dry situation. If the grain is rich in oil then refrigerate. Like Flax seed meal. It will go rancid left out of a cool place to long.

2. Supplies: Plastic containers that are easily washed after use. Keeping tight lids on is good. I think personally that buying good brands, with reputations of quality products is the best way to insure longer shelf time and bug free environment. The manufacturers often use lesser quality grains for brands that typically sell for less, hence their storying conditions my not be as well maintained. Never use molded products of any kind of grain.

The little bugs really can be a nuisance but are virtually harmless and once you get the cabinets clean, and keep them clean, store grain products properly and keep them used up so they don't go stale then most of the problem is solved.

3. It is sometimes necessary to toss out the bad foods and start fresh. Feed birds,but not RAW RICE. Unless you like the idea of extra protein in your food, or sifting 5 lbs. of flour through a sifter. (which I have seen my mom do). I LIVED.

Old granola bars and candy bars with peanuts will often hatch out the larve of the moth. I had one sorry birthday party with worms in my birthday candy bars one year. My mom was so mad because the store hadn't rotated the stock of the Butterfingers and we got the prize ones. It HAPPENS. LOOK before you BITE.

Tags: keep them, candy bars