Friday, January 30, 2009

Rocky Mountain Oysters

Rocky Mountain oysters are the culinary name for prepared animal testicles. While the dish is often the brunt of jokes, many cultures around the world include testicles as part of their meals, especially in regions heavily dependent on cattle ranching.


Rocky Mountain oysters can also be called "prairie oysters," and in North America, they are generally made from sheep, bull, buffalo or boar testicles. They are commonly served as appetizers and are prepared by peeling the skin, coating the testicle in a spiced flour and then deep fried. An alternative recipe calls for the delicacy to be served in a rich brown demi-glace sauce rather than breaded and fried.


In North America, Rocky Mountain oysters are usually found in areas of the American West and the Canada mountains where the cowboy lifestyle and traditions still hold strong. Idaho, Montana, Arizona, Wyoming and Utah are particularly partial to the cuisine, with the city of Eagle, Idaho holding the world's largest Rocky Mountain oyster festival the first week of June. Clinton, Montana also holds an annual Testicle Festival. In Oklahoma and Texas, also with strong ranching traditions, Rocky Mountain oysters can be found in some bars and restaurants, but may be called "Calf Fries." Central and South American cuisine also features bull and sheep testicles in many dishes.


The evolution of the dish known as Rocky Mountain oysters follows the traditions of many cultures around the world that didn't let any part of an animal go to waste. In the ranching world, castrating young bulls or rams was a common practice, both to control breeding and temperament, as well as to allow the animal to produce an optimal amount of beef. Creating edible dishes from such a surplus was a natural step for ranchers, sheepherders, cowboys and families always on the lookout for food sources.


Because of the difficulty in getting fresh testicles, most Rocky Mountain oysters are prepared from frozen fare. However, if you talk to your local butcher, he or she can likely place a special order, especially if you live in the American West. Exotic meat retailers online also ship fresh Rocky Mountain oysters all over the country. Keep the package in the refrigerator until you are ready to prepare them.

Expert Insight

Rocky Mountain oysters have a flavor rather like liver, but not a strong taste at all. Pairing the testicles with strong spices and dipping them in hot sauce after they've been deep fried often make them little more than vehicles for the breading and sauce. The texture of Rocky Mountain oysters is often compared to chewy chicken gizzards. While the appetizer is said to be an acquired taste, many people order them as novelty appetizers when on vacation to western states or when they attend festivals where the food is served.

Tags: Rocky Mountain, Mountain oysters, Rocky Mountain oysters, American West, around world, cultures around, cultures around world