Thursday, January 15, 2009

Carve Bottle Stoppers

Having extra bottle stoppers around is a great way to save your wine from going flat. Carved bottle stoppers are cheap and easy to make with old cork bottle stoppers and an X-Acto knife. The end result makes for a great gift, and allows you to reuse those old corks.


1. Choose the design you wish to carve out of your cork bottle stopper. It shouldn't be too intricate or elaborate, especially on your first time. Try to avoid designs with many angled corners.

2. Take the fat top of your cork, and use your pencil to draw your design onto your cork.

3. Poke the tip of your X-Acto knife along the design outline you drew.

4. Trace along your design with your X-Acto knife.

5. Angle the X-Acto knife as you trace, working your way around the design. Try to keep the X-Acto knife at the same level to make the designs even in their depth.

6. Use the X-Acto knife to chip away at the design once it has been traced. You will want to break each piece out, little by little. Use your nails to pull out any other pieces.

Tags: X-Acto knife, bottle stoppers, your cork, your X-Acto knife, cork bottle