Monday, May 21, 2012

Make A Knife Out Of A Butter Knife

This butter knife can become a sharp knife.

A butter knife works well to cut butter, but not much else. The blade is dull and can often be rounded, not pointed. However, with a few steps, you can make a butter knife into a knife with an edge that is as sharp as you would like to make it. Take "reduce, reuse, recycle" to a new level and turn something old into something new and sharp.


1. Hold the butter knife firmly by the handle. Scrape one side of the blade against concrete. This concrete can be a foundation, a step or even your asphalt driveway. Continue scraping the blade until it forms an edge, then turn the blade over and do the same on the other side.

2. Remove the cording that holds a screen in place. (If you look at a window screen, you will see a grayish cord embedded between the edge of the screen and the window.) Work the cording from its seat with a knife or screwdriver. If you prefer, you can use a long, leather bootlace instead.

3. Drill a hole near the end of the knife handle. Thread one end of the cording into the hole then wrap the rest of the cording around the handle to provide a more effective grip.

Tags: butter knife