Friday, April 15, 2011

Ideas For Finger Sandwiches

Cut finger sandwiches into triangles or squares.

Small and savory, finger sandwiches make a great appetizer or snack for a luncheon or party. Also known as tea sandwiches, finger sandwiches are made with thinly-sliced bread of almost any variety. To shorten preparation time, make an assembly line of all the ingredients, build several sandwiches at once, then cut them into small squares or triangles.

Cucumber Sandwich

Crisp and refreshing, this classic finger sandwich features thinly sliced cucumbers and an herb spread. Create the spread by combining fresh garlic, dill, chives or green onions with cream cheese. Spread it onto two slices of bread, then layer thin slices of cucumber on top of each piece of bread. Stack the two slices together so that the herb spread and cucumber form the middle of the sandwich. Cut the sandwich up into small squares or rectangles.

Chicken Salad Sandwich

Traditionally, a chicken salad sandwich includes mayonnaise, diced chicken and celery as the main ingredients. Put your own spin on it by adding raisins or finely chopped apples to the mix. If you want to add a little crunch, mix in some slivered almonds too. After you prepare the chicken salad, spread it onto a slice of bread, then top that with another slice of bread to make a sandwich. Cut the sandwich up into small squares or rectangles.

Pimento Cheese Sandwich

Wake up your guests' taste buds with a pimento cheese sandwich. Make homemade pimento cheese by combining sharp cheddar cheese, cayenne pepper, horseradish, mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce and roasted red peppers. Blend half of the mixture in a blender or food processor to give it a smooth texture. To save time, you can purchase pimento cheese and then add cayenne pepper to make it extra spicy. Spread it onto a slice of bread, then top that with another slice of bread to make a sandwich. Cut the sandwich up into small squares or rectangles.

Pineapple Cream Cheese Sandwich

A mixture of chopped pineapple, chopped nuts and cream cheese gives this sandwich a touch of sweetness. Mix one teaspoon nutmeg with 3/4 cup cream cheese and spread it onto two slices of bread. Chop pineapple into small pieces and add a few bits on top of the sour cream and nutmeg mixture. Stack the two slices together so that the sour cream, nutmeg and pineapple form the middle of the sandwich. Cut the sandwich up into small squares or rectangles.

Tags: into small, into small squares, small squares, sandwich into, sandwich into small, sandwich sandwich