Monday, April 26, 2010

Cut Gouda Cheese

Gouda cheese is often served with wine.

Named after its origin city in the Netherlands, Gouda is a yellow cheese made from cow's milk. Gouda cheese is made from cultured milk and heated, separating the curds from the whey. Gouda cheese is then aged anywhere from several weeks to several years before it is ready for consumption. Fresh Gouda is softer and can be cut using a wire cheese slicer. Gouda that has aged for a long period of time will be tougher and require the use of a knife.


1. Allow the Gouda cheese to thaw slightly before cutting and serving. Remove the Gouda cheese from the refrigerator one hour before you plan to serve.

2. Cut the Gouda cheese into slices using a wire cheese slicer. Place the wire cheese slicer on the top edge of the Gouda cheese. Adjust the slicer so the corner of the cheese lies between the wire and the roller.

3. Pull the wire cheese slicer across the top of the Gouda cheese from left to right, creating a thin slice of cheese.

4. Put a cutting glove on your non-dominant hand and use a cheese knife to cut Gouda cheese that has aged for a long period of time. A cheese knife is curved, containing slots in the blade to prevent the cheese from sticking to the knife. Place the blade of the knife at the edge of one side of the cheese using your dominant hand. Adjust the position of the knife to determine the preferred size of your slice of cheese. Apply downward pressure to the knife until the knife has cut completely through the cheese.

Tags: Gouda cheese, cheese slicer, wire cheese, wire cheese slicer, cheese from, aged long