Friday, February 5, 2010

Rehydrate Dried Mushrooms

Dried mushrooms will absorb the flavor of the rehydrating liquid.

Wild mushrooms are a flavorful addition to many dishes. However, sometimes those mushrooms aren't available or are out of season. Dried mushrooms, although pricey, can be an alternative to unavailable fresh wild mushrooms. An ounce or so of dried mushrooms added to fresh domestic mushrooms can add the right amount of flavor without breaking the bank.

Rehydration is also the time to add some additional depth and flavor by using something such as Cognac, port, red or white wine. You can also use chicken or vegetable stock. Anything you soak the mushrooms in will leave behind a bit of its flavor.


1. Sort through the mushrooms, looking carefully for any foreign objects, twigs or anything not a mushroom.

2. Rinse well under cold water in a colander. Remove any grit, dust or growing medium that may be on the mushrooms. Pay particular attention to the gills underneath the caps.

3. Soak the mushrooms for up to six hours in the liquid of your choice. Place the bowl with the mushrooms and soaking liquid in the refrigerator. You may need to put a plate or saucer on top of the mushrooms to keep them under the liquid, as they may float.

Tags: Dried mushrooms, mushrooms will